Mr Kesava Mannur
Mr Kesava Mannur is a consultant surgeon with extensive experience in bariatric and laparoscopic surgery. He Trained in surgery in Chennai, Cardiff, Stevenage, Royal London Hospital. Started laparoscopic work in 1990 in Royal London Hospital.
Mr Kesava Mannur established bariatric surgery unit at Homerton University Hospital, London in 2003 and developed this into one of the leading and reputed bariatric centres in UK. Was director of bariatric surgery until 2017.
Had the opportunity to be with stalwarts of Duodenal Switch - Michelle Gagner in New York for Duodenal Switch and Gastric bypass - Kelvin Higa in Fresno, California.
Specialised in Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric bypass, Duodenal Switch DS / Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch SADI-S, Gastric band, Revisional surgery for weight gain, Hypoglycaemia and any complications of bariatric surgery like 1. band to sleeve, gastric bypass or duodenal switch 2. sleeve to Duodenal Switch or banded gastric bypass 3. gastric bypass to duodenal switch or Biliary lengthening procedures. He has performed more than 5,500 bariatric surgeries.
Conducted 6 internationally reputed symposiums and 7 bariatric training courses in Homerton University Hospital. He has trained a lot of surgeons in UK and abroad. He has been presenting his work both in UK and international bariatric surgery conferences including IFSO demonstrating surgeries live. He was invited to various organisations to give talk on various bariatric surgery topics. Mr Mannur was one of the organising members for IFSO2017 conducted in London.
Past member of BOMSS Council and NICE. He helped and still helping Royal college of surgeons of England to approve many Bariatric fellowships and other surgical fellowships in UK.
Technical excellence, extensive preoperative assessment and care following surgery are Mr Mannur's forte.
Did a lot of research in NOTES.
Does a lot of hiatal hernia repairs and fundoplication for Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and recurrent incisional hernias and groin hernias and cholecystectomies.
Involved in establishing free schools and hospital in India.
Has been into meditation for more than 45 years.