Mr Yashwant Koak MS, FRCS, MBChB, MDCH, MBA
Mr Koak is a Consultant General, Laparoscopic, Bariatric and Upper GI Surgeon who has performed in excess of 5000 operations.
Mr Koak qualified in medicine from the University of Glasgow and did his Basic Surgical training at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. He then joined the Royal Free Hospital to complete his Master of Surgery at the University of London. His Specialist Registrar training was in the North (East) London Deanery. After his CCST he spent a year as a Senior Clinical Fellow at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia, where he specialised in Upper GI and Bariatric Surgery. After his fellowship he worked as a GI surgeon at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Cambridgeshire. During this time he also trained as a Medical Hypnotherapist. Mr Koak is a Consultant Bariatric and Upper GI Surgeon at Homerton University Hospital where the Bariatric Surgical Unit serves one of the largest numbers of patients in the UK.
Mr Koak performs the Gastric Band and Gastric Sleeve for the National Obesity Surgery Centre.