Elizabeth's Success Story

"I am at my goal weight of 9 stone and 7lbs!!"*

Weight loss story
* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
I was 32 when I first began to gain weight. By the age of 49 I reached my heaviest weight of 19 stones and 12 lbs. I had lost my parents one year and one day apart, I changed jobs and had to move to another part of the country. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, slipped 3 discs in my back and had high blood pressure.
I was a bit of a wreck. All of this combined sent me on a downward spiral of emotional eating. This had a profound effect on my self-confidence and self-worth. I felt lonely and that everyone was judging me. I tried cycling and swimming but as I was carrying over 10 stone of excess weight it was difficult and soul destroying.
I eventually joined Slimming World and lost 3 stone which was a great achievement but my weight loss stopped and I felt I was back to square one.
I was too embarrassed to go out with friends and family and the thing that hurts the most is that there are hardly any photos of my son and I whilst he was growing up.
I wanted to be smaller than my husband and son who is now 19. The tipping point for me was when I had to get a costume fitting for a play in which I was appearing. I was already a size 26 but they had to add extra panels
into the clothes to make them fit comfortably. I was heartbroken. Enough was
enough. I had been working with a psychologist specialising in dietetics for a long time and we agreed that surgery was the way forward.
I had done everything I could by myself and the feeling of failure was killing me. I researched the topic thoroughly and became aware of the excellent work that NOSC did and it made sense that this was the team to trust. When I had my
appointment with my surgeon we discussed the options that were available to me and we agreed that the Gastric Bypass would be the most suitable.
During our consultation he ensured that I was mentally and physically prepared for surgery and life afterwards. It was only when he was happy that I was serious and dedicated that I was approved. My time at Ross Hall Hospital was excellent. The nursing staff were very efficient and friendly. All of the surgical team were great at putting me at ease and any of my nerves went quickly. I was so keen to get on the table I think I surprised them.
After my surgery I was cared for very well and the physiotherapist had me back on my feet within a few days. I was obviously nervous but I was looked after very
well. My recovery period was a bit longer than I initially expected but I was able to make some adjustments and have some extra support at home.
I am now 10 months out and my appointed nutritionist still calls me every week to discuss how I am doing. She has been there every step of the way from the liquid phase all the way till now. I look forward to speaking to her for advice on what new foods to try and what healthy options there are for those difficult days when you would normally reach for the biscuits.
Last year on the anniversary of my parents’ death I ate a catering size box of chocolates, a large packet of tortilla chips and drank 2 bottles of prosecco. This year I went for a cycle with a friend and stopped by a stream and had a picnic. Knowing that someone is always on the other end of a phone is a great comfort for the more difficult times. I have never felt that I am going through this alone.
I had to call the emergency line when I had eaten something too quickly and it got stuck. The team were great and were glad that I called. NOSC also offered me coaching when my motivation and focus was low. NOSC is a lifeline and it cannot be overstated how crucial keeping in touch with the team is as part of the recovery process.
My surgeon had set me a goal weight of 9 stone 7 lbs. To be honest I laughed and thought that there would be no way of reaching that weight. After the pre-op diet and on the day of surgery I was 16 stone and 10lbs. Exactly 9 months after my surgery date I am at my goal weight of 9 stone and 7lbs!! Now things like wrapping a towel around me, tying my shoelaces and having to sit on a pillow to see over my steering wheel make my day, every day. Shopping is fun now and I can pick up a size 6 or 8 and I know it will fit!!
I am now smaller than my husband! My son picked me up and carried me around our living room! I was so happy I couldn't stop crying. This procedure has literally changed my life for good. My relationships with friends and family have changed for the better. I feel worthy now. I don’t have to hide. It isn't all plain sailing as you still have to be responsible and commit to a new way of eating.
There are moments I question whether I have done the right thing but I can
honestly say that I have. I cycle 16-20 miles 4 times a week, I walk most days
rather than drive but nothing will ever beat the feeling of being carried around my living room by my son whilst wearing a pair of size 6 jeans!!